Quality Standards
General Explanation
- Facilitate standards definitions consensus, document disseminate and capacity-build to implement
- Out of School Time/Quality Community of Practice
- In-School Time STEM Learning
- Anti-Biased, Anti-Racist (ABAR) STEM
- Work Based Learning
End of 2021 Goals
- Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
- Publish Community of Practice Pilot Cohort learning report, execute contract for second cohort
- Work plan and literature review done for above 3 and 4.
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted (2021)
- Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
- Strategic Community Partners
- Graduate Assistant
Q1 + Q2 2022 Goals
- Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
- Select and launch second COP cohort
- Standards Published
- Publish reports on availability of work based learning opportunities, plan and host Summit on Quality Work-Based Learning (WBL) (cross sector collaboration and working session), publish WBL quality standards.
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted (Q1+Q2 2022)
- Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
- Strategic Community Partners
- Graduate Student
- RYEC, Nine Network, Blueprint4 Careers, Schools with WBL programs
General Explanation
- Create dashboards that show updated visualized data on ecosystem health, reach and the STEM education environment to be used in decisions making by funders and partners
End 2021 Goal
- Contract with data consultant,
- Project plan complete
- Work-group buy in done
- Data gathering plan/tool drafted
- 9-month practicum student hire
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted (2021)
- Data consultant (TBD)
- Graduate Practicum Student
Q1 + Q2 2022 Goal
- Complete the data assessment on ecosystem health and build out draft dashboard tool
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted (Q1+Q2 2022)
- Data Consultant
- Graduate Practicum Student
Centralizing Communications
General Explanation
- Filling STEM learning gaps by launching maintaining and leveraging centralized portals
- Educator Resources Portal
- Blueprint4STEM
- STEM Provider Portal
End of 2021 Goal
- Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
- Routinely updated
- Public launch, routinely updated
- Understanding scope of request, condition of satisfactions
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted
- Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
- None
- Clark Fox Family Foundation
- Outside Contractor (TBD)
Q1 + Q2 2022 Goal
- Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
- Routinely updated
- Routinely updated, launch of spring-break programing
- TBD based on condition of satisfaction
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted (Q1+Q2 2022)
- Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
- None
- Clark Fox Family Foundation
- Outside Contractor (TBD)
Enriching Partnerships
General Explanation
- Build capacity and routine opportunities to facilitate the formation of new partnerships to serve mores STEM learners.
End of 2021 Goal
- Internal STEMSTL partner census complete
- Complete September All-Hands and November Annual Gathering
- Strategic priory feedback sessions
- Partner speed dating
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted
- Annual gathering logistics and support
Q1 + Q2 2022 Goal
- March All-Hands Meeting
- Missouri STEM Week Celebration
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted (Q1+Q2 2022)
- Missouri Chamber of Commerce (STEM Week)
General Explanation
- Partner with equity-driven policy advocacy efforts to change policies to create more equitable STEM learning environment
- Funding for equity indicators (esp. STEM)
- Establish capacity to rapidly deploy for advocacy
End of 2021 Goal
- Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
- MOU complete with Forward Through Ferguson to understand roles and responsibilities and goals
- Build internal working processes, establish STEM Ed Policy Coalition
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted
- Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
- Forward Through Ferguson and Coalition
- STEM Ed Policy Coalition members
Q1 + Q2 2022 Goal
- Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
- Launch Sustainability Planning
- Capacity building and rapid deployment during Missouri General Assembly Session
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted (Q1+Q2 2022)
- Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
- Forward Through Ferguson and Coalition
- STEM Ed Policy Coalition members
*Where possible, all data disaggregated by race, gender, and zip code.