Career Pathways

What is a Career Pathway?

A Career Pathway is a series of structured and connected educational programs and support services to help individuals acquire the necessary academic, employability, and technical skills that align them with industry demands. The goal of a Career Pathway is to advance an individual’s education and training in order to lead them to a successful future in the workforce. Career Pathways start at a very young age with fostering healthy parental attachment through robust social and emotional services. The Pathway continues into education by creating supportive learning environments for every student, regardless of ability or social status. Career Pathways in education align pre-K learning all the way to post-secondary degrees through contextualizing basic knowledge and skills to those needed in a specific occupation. Career Pathways offer stacked learning, preparing students for their next steps regardless of direction and provide an effective framework for workforce development. This is accomplished by integrating programs and resources of community colleges, workforce agencies, adult education programs, social services providers and other stakeholders.

St. Louis Regional Youth Employment Career Pathways

The St. Louis Regional Youth Employment Coalition, a collaborative effort to increase youth employability and build more diverse talent pipelines to high-growth, living-wage jobs. Their healthcare career pathways incorporate regional data on the number of annual openings for each role.

MERIC's Career Pathways

The Missouri Economic Research and Information Center has developed a family of career pathways for Missouri’s key industries.


In collaboration with the Regional Youth Employment Coalition, the Clark Fox Family Foundation produces Blueprint4Careers, a searchable, online database of short-term credentialing programs that lead to living-wage careers in St. Louis’ high-growth industries.