Strategic Plan 2021-2023

General Explanation
  • Facilitate standards definitions consensus, document disseminate and capacity-build to implement
    1. Out of School Time/Quality Community of Practice
    2. In-School Time STEM Learning
    3. Anti-Biased, Anti-Racist (ABAR) STEM
    4. Work Based Learning
End of 2021 Goals
  • Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
    1. Publish Community of Practice Pilot Cohort  learning report, execute contract for second cohort
    2. Work plan and literature review done for above 3 and 4. 
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted (2021)
  • Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
    1. Strategic Community Partners
    2. Graduate Assistant
Q1 + Q2 2022 Goals
  • Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
    1. Select and launch second COP cohort
    2. TBD
    3. Standards Published
    4. Publish reports on availability of work based learning opportunities, plan and host Summit on Quality Work-Based Learning (WBL) (cross sector collaboration and working session), publish WBL quality standards. 
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted (Q1+Q2 2022)
  • Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
    1. Strategic Community Partners
    2. TBD
    3. Graduate Student
    4. RYEC, Nine Network, Blueprint4 Careers, Schools with WBL programs
General Explanation 
  • Create dashboards that show updated visualized data on ecosystem health, reach and the STEM education environment to be used in decisions making by funders and partners
End 2021 Goal
  • Contract with data consultant,
  • Project plan complete
  • Work-group buy in done
  • Data gathering plan/tool drafted
  • 9-month practicum student hire
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted (2021)
  • Data consultant (TBD)
  • Graduate Practicum Student
Q1 + Q2 2022 Goal
  • Complete the data assessment on ecosystem health and build out draft dashboard tool
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted (Q1+Q2 2022)
  • Data Consultant
  • Graduate Practicum Student
General Explanation
  • Filling STEM learning gaps by launching maintaining and leveraging centralized portals
    1. Educator Resources Portal
    2. Blueprint4STEM
    3. STEM Provider Portal
End of 2021 Goal
  • Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
    1. Routinely updated
    2. Public launch, routinely updated
    3. Understanding scope of request, condition of satisfactions
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted
  • Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
    1. None
    2. Clark Fox Family Foundation
    3. Outside Contractor (TBD)
Q1 + Q2 2022 Goal
  • Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
    1. Routinely updated
    2. Routinely updated, launch of spring-break programing
    3. TBD based on condition of satisfaction
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted (Q1+Q2 2022)
  • Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
    1. None
    2. Clark Fox Family Foundation
    3. Outside Contractor (TBD)
General Explanation
  • Build capacity and routine opportunities to facilitate the formation of new partnerships to serve mores STEM learners.
End of 2021 Goal
  • Internal STEMSTL partner census complete
  • Complete September All-Hands and November Annual Gathering
  • Strategic priory feedback sessions
  • Partner speed dating
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted
  • Annual gathering logistics and support
Q1 + Q2 2022 Goal
    • March All-Hands Meeting
    • Missouri STEM Week Celebration
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted (Q1+Q2 2022)
  • Missouri Chamber of Commerce (STEM Week)
General Explanation
  • Partner with equity-driven policy advocacy efforts to change policies to create more equitable STEM learning environment
    1. Funding for equity indicators (esp. STEM)
    2. Establish capacity to rapidly deploy for advocacy
End of 2021 Goal
  • Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
    1. MOU complete with Forward Through Ferguson to understand roles and responsibilities and goals
    2. Build internal working processes, establish STEM Ed Policy Coalition
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted
  • Numbers correspond to those under general explanation 
    1. Forward Through Ferguson and Coalition
    2. STEM Ed Policy Coalition members
Q1 + Q2 2022 Goal
  • Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
    1. Launch Sustainability Planning
    2. Capacity building and rapid deployment during Missouri General Assembly Session
Outside Resources Leveraged/Contracted (Q1+Q2 2022)
  • Numbers correspond to those under general explanation
    1. Forward Through Ferguson and Coalition
    2. STEM Ed Policy Coalition members

*Where possible, all data disaggregated by race, gender, and zip code. 

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