How it works: The STEMSTL Structure

As an initiative, we use a collaborative model of distributive leadership. This model has 4 major components: 

Backbone Organization

The current backbone and fiscal agent is BioSTL. Learn more at their website

Strategic Advisory Board

Consists of respected, influential, and diverse decision makers who broadly represent the cross sectors of the ecosystem. The advisory council serves to provide strategic input that guides the mission and goals of the ecosystem.


The workgroups take direct action to accomplish the initiative identify in the Strategic Plan 2021-2023. We currently have five workgroups: Strengthening the Ecosystem, Supporting Quality and Rigor, Centralizing Communications, Identifying and Filling Gaps, and Connection to the Workforce. Each workgroup is focused on specific actions related to their area of expertise and interest.

Members -at- Large

Consists of stakeholders actively engaged in the ecosystem but not serving on a workgroup.


The work of STEMSTL would not be possible without the generosity of our funders.

STEMSTL is proud to be a member of the STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice.  Click here to learn more.

See our current list of community partners.

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